Your Money
Your Independence
Your Power

The options made available today are so shortsighted and unpredictable, it might as well be called...
“Financial Menopause.”®

Let’s face it. Life is so much more than just about the money.
It’s about love, connection…confidence.

It’s about us ladies being smart, informed, independent, and
at our best financial and fabulous selves .


forget the WORKSHOPS and WEBINARS!


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Trusts, Wills, and What Does that Got to Do with Retirement?

I know too many educated, accomplished women who don't know why they need a trust.

They are at the top of their professions, yet they don't know how to make sure their parents estates are protected and their children are getting their inheritance in a timely manner.

Or what about the family that's not on good speaking terms because the daughter needs care but the brother just wants to shove her into a poorly funded nursing home and forget about her?

The list is endless. Misconceptions are all over the place. And sometimes truth is far stranger than anything I could make up.

Estate planning is all about your legacy!

Don't think it's just for the "wealthy." It's you being in CONTROL of what you want.



Take control of your financial legacy!

Image of Patricia RossClick Here!

The Girl Power Finance Network Helps You Master

Financial Intelligence
When you are financially smart, you are financially secure.
Icon of searching on computer

Identifying and funding Life’s Dreams and Purposes

Laying out your financial roadmap that eliminates any worry and guessing

Icon with two directions and one direction highlighted
Icon with a X for pitfalls

Eliminating common pitfalls, blindspots, and shortcomings in your retirement plan

Most plans are built on the “statistical average” of a faceless individual.
They don’t take into consideration the distinct and unique needs of
today’s woman as we approach retirement...

What Does This Mean For You?

When it comes to money, most women I know want knowledge they can use, info they can think with, possibilities that give us much more than mere hope. We want certainty!

You want to ensure your future is the way you want it. And you know what? It’s rarely just our future. It’s our kid’s, our family’s, our friend’s, even our charities that we love to help and support.

Now that you know you have choices... What is Girl Power Finance all about anyway?

Image of Patricia Ross and daughterImage of Patricia Ross and her motherImage of Patricia Ross and some of her books in front of her

The Genesis of
Girl Power Finance

Women are taking on more financial responsibility - but do we really know what's best for us and those we love?

If you're in charge of your household finances, you need to have the confidence to know that you're making the best decisions for you and for your family! 

There's more to money than just stats and graphs. It's about making sure you're financially secure, using short and long-term strategies that helps keep your money growing while keeping it safe.

Girl Power Finance was developed by Dr. Patricia Ross, (Ph.D. English, New York University) owner of Hugo House Publishers, recognized as one of the top twenty independent publishers by Publishers Weekly in 2022.

Dr. Ross has written and edited over two hundred books (with a full quarter of them reaching bestseller status) published over eighty, and has ghost-written over a dozen on retirement and sound money management.

When she learned how money really works, she decided that she needed to share what she knows - with women like her - smart, professional, and in charge.

“Why keep all this great stuff to myself?” is her motto. “Knowledge that you can use—that’s what makes you powerful.”

Girl Power Finance was founded because of something really important for women: ONLY We know how hard we’ve worked, sacrificed, saved, and made sure that those we love are taken care of—and that includes our moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, all our babies—even the furry ones.

“Believe me, I get it.” Dr. Ross says. “I’m a divorced mom with a teenaged daughter whose dad is an alcoholic. I was my mother's care giver until she passed peacefully in the summer of 2023. I also help make human rights a reality—here in Colorado and across the globe—so that we can combat human trafficking and other egregious human rights violations where they start—with the person.”

Most of all, Dr. Ross likes helping women make sure they are in control.

The best part of all that Girl Power Finance network does—seeing women get on with living as opposed to having to constantly worry about how they’re going to get it all done.

Girl Power Finance Opens the Door

You get to choose WHEN, HOW, and WHY you want to walk through it.

-Put an end to financial menopause-

Forget the Monetary Mood Swings
Budgetary Hot Flashes? A thing of the past
No more night sweats from bad advice

Never again do you need to suffer sleepless nights because...

Your portfolio is out of balance
Your financial foundation isn’t set right
Your money worries are creating far more wrinkles than you care to admit

Join the Girl Talk on Money SeriesYou’re in control.
Now you can find out how to put in a foundation for your finances so you never have to suffer from the effects of Financial Menopause—ever!

(psst. This is what your broker won’t ever prepare you for.)

Come Join Us Virtually or In Person!

the next
Girl Power Finance


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Get your complimentary
“Financial Menopause Makeover”

You need to know your financial scene at a glance. Know where you’re at so that you know what you need to do to reach your life goals without things going south. (and we’re not just talking about the wrinkles here…)

SIGN UP FOR A “Financial Menopause Makeover” Consultation.

THE GOAL:  Be free to create life on your terms!

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